Strong as a Mother
There is no other strength on this earth quite like becoming a mother. After all, the pain is the force that drives us into motherhood, isn't it?⠀
I often tell my patients that we are innately programmed to pull away from pain. But labor is the only pain on this earth that you must LEAN into. Where you must try to relax and allow your body to contract at the same time. The kind of pain you must trust as it swells and intensifies. ⠀
It is the pain that builds upon the last and prepares you for the journey that is the strength of motherhood. ⠀
I think it is insanely incredible to watch a mother, at her most vulnerable and oftentimes where she feels the weakest, find this inner strength she never knew she had to deliver a baby and hold her child in her arms for the first time. The flood of emotions washes over her as she realizes what she has just accomplished. That she now understands the pain she went through has made her Strong as a Mother. (Regardless of how you did it mamas... vaginal, c-section, adoption, surrogacy).
And it’s amazing how easily that pain is forgotten. The moment you hold your newborn in your arms and soak in their smell. The way you feel your heart swell with love for your baby as you watch them grow into toddlers and these tiny little humans with their own ideas, thoughts and opinions.⠀
That pain of pregnancy and labor easily forgotten as the ache in your heart knows how quickly time will pass. You find yourself yearning for another. Only to go through the same pain over again.
But you are strong because you have built upon that strength. A strength that doesn’t begin and end with labor, but continues to help you grow. A strength that helps shape and define you into the mother your children need. A kind of strength that makes you realize it was you who needed THEM all along. A strength that will leave you weary, worn and wondering if you will ever get it right. A strength that makes you eternally grateful for your mama and the incredible tribe of women who are also mothers. ⠀
Tag a strong mama below 👇🏻 who knows that this strength is unlike anything else in this world that makes you Strong as a Mother