The Month of Fear

October. The month of fear. The month based on drawing from your deepest insecurities and scariest vulnerabilities. ⠀
I'd like to think fear is a liar. Every time you try something new you'll be met with opposition. You'll hear your own voice telling you to play it safe, stay inside the box, and stick to your comfort zone. And at every twist and turn, fear will rear its ugly head. ⠀
If you listen too closely, fear will make you feel like you're never enough.⠀
Yet fear can also be your true north, pointing you towards what matters to you most. Allowing you to #faceyourfears head on. And perhaps realizing that thing you find so scary was only your mind playing tricks on you. ⠀
I’ve never stopped battling fear. But I've learned instead of nurturing it, I remind myself that fear is only as strong as I allow it to be.
October is also domestic violence awareness month.⠀
It's not a coincidence how these two coincide. Domestic violence only thrives in fear and when we are silent.
You are never alone ❤️
October. Free from fear. And silent #NOMORE

grace presley