008: Jaymie Gerena

Jaymie Gerena is a mindset + biz branding coach for female entrepreneurs on a mission to turn her clients dreams into realities. She is the creator of Calling you Home Intensive Academy for those looking to take their mindset to the next level and leave with new insight and strategy for their businesses. Jaymie’s mission is to inspire women to live in their own confidence.

Jaymie has spent the last 5 years retraining her mind and empowering others to come to the realization that their past circumstances don't have to hinder their lives for the worse. She not only overcame mountains of adversity during her younger years but she made a promise to will help as many women possible to see their own true potential and self-worth.

Instagram: JaymieGerena

Facebook Jaymie-Lee Gerena

Website Jaymiegerena.com

In this episode We Need to Talk About

  • Being raised by a single mom with her father in and out of jail, she grew up with the idea that she needed to always have a man by her side to be fulfilled.

  • Physically, mentally, and emotionally abused growing up and how she created a new beginning through those struggles.

  • She found herself pregnant and married at 19 years old when it first dawned on her that finding her worth in a man wasn’t what she thought it was going to be. A single mom by the age of 22 she set out to redefine her worth and was determined to create a safe and happy home for herself and her children.

  • How to recognize the stories that keep us small

  • The new normal and stepping out of the cycle of chaos and abuse

  • How to be an advocate on the other side of trauma

  • How to rewrite the victim story

  • “I realized if I want a new life, I have to create a new story.”

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grace presley
007: Jillian Bolanz

Jillian Bolanz is a  Life and Business Coach, writer, speaker, and facilitator.  She is the host of True You Live-  an inspirational, self-discovery, in-person event as well as the host of the Morning Sunshine with Jillian Bolanz podcast and the self-published author of "True You: A Self-Discovery Journal for the Curious Heart".  

The founder of multiple coaching programs and the leader of many in-person retreats and experiences, Jillian helps motivated women loosen their grip on force and control, lean into trust, and create the lives and businesses they truly want.

Jillian's Mission is to help women feel empowered in their true selves.  She guides them in spreading that truth in a way that feels life-giving and joyful to them - from within their own homes through building an incredible online presence - and allows them to make an enormous impact on the world.  

She's helped thousands of women through this self-discovery and life/business building journey all while being home and present for her husband, her two sons, and her own true self. 



IG @jillianbolanz  (www.instagram.com/jillianbolanz)

FB fb.com/jillianbolanz

In this episode We Need To Talk About:

“I think it’s so important to recognize that we’ve got the ability to change things, and to step into our truth of who we are for the sake of who we are but also to teach our children who they are.”

  • Being a mama, soul sister, and “recovering Type A, must check off all the boxes, and fit into the things that people said I should do” person.

  • Finding the root of her body image issues and healing the trauma.

  • Figuring out that she was never going to be able to find happiness chasing after societies checklist.

  • How to stop dimming your light.

  • Letting go of the need for control, and how to flow.

  • Tapping into your masculine and feminine energies for creativity and abundance.

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grace presley
006: Stephanie Dawn Elizabeth

Stephanie Dawn Elizabeth is a Certified Inner Kindness Coach + Mentor for Girls, Host of The Girl Kind Podcast, and founder of The Girls Collective. She’s on a mission to help girls break through the stories the world has told them about what it means to be a girl in the world so that we can all show up as is, share our stories, and feel a little less alone.

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/stephaniedawnelizabeth/?hl=en

Website: stephaniedawnelizabeth.com

The Girl Kind Podcast is on iTunes, Apple Podcast, and Spotify.

In this episode We Need To Talk About:

  • Going to a private Catholic school and the distorted image it taught her about how to be a “girl.

  • Moving to another country for a partner and how that was actually an abandonment of herself

  • What lead to her finding herself in an abusive relationship and how she finally found the courage to leave.

  • How she found her voice and forgave her abuser.

  • How to take ownership of your story.

  • What letting go of shame and learning compassion actually looks like.

  • How finding a blog on kindness changed her life.

  • “We forgot to teach girls that we deserve the same kindness we give to others.”

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grace presley
005: Kelsey Abbott

Kelsey Abbott is a Confidence Coach & Instigator of Joy, writer, speaker and host of the Find Your Awesome podcast. She helps driven humans learn to really truly love themselves, shed the shoulds, embrace their own unique greatness and SPARKLE.

Kelsey studied at the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC) where she earned certifications as a Certified Professional Coach, Energy Leadership Master Practitioner and Cor.E Performance coach. She also studied at the Applied Neuroscience Institute, earning her NeuroPositive Certificate in using neuroscience to change how the brain processes challenges.

Before becoming a Confidence Coach, Kelsey was a nationally-recognized science writer and marine biologist, working in DC, Seattle, Hawaii and Barbados, training dolphins and studying killer whales in the process. A competitive swimmer for most of her life, Kelsey transitioned to triathlons where she now competes at the national and international level.   

Website: https://www.kelseyabbott.com/

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/kelseyabbottcpc/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/findyourawesome/

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/205312819975705/

Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-find-your-awesome-podcast/id1276217740?mt=2


In this episode we need to talk about:

  • Growing up with a learning disability, and how sports propelled her through that.

  • As a “huge nerd” she took an alternate route that allowed her to do everything from studying dolphins in Hawaii to working for the government in DC, and how that brought her to becoming a Confidence Coach.

  • Feeling like an outsider most of her life and reframing it for happiness.

  • How sports and fitness are a constant source of inspiration
    How saying “no” is liberating and a practice in self worth

  • Helping people fall in love with themselves and stop doing the “shoulds” of life

  • How to identity the inner critic and release it forever

  • “That trauma was like a really intense class. This is why you’re here, this is what you’re capable of. You’re here to share that with the world.”

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grace presley
004: Alli Owen

Alli’s conservative upbringing in a christian environment and believing she needed to save herself for marriage.

Being raped by a romantic partner and how that pushed her into overachievement overdrive, until she realized that she was never going to be able to achieve enough to fill that pain.

Leaving her high paying corporate engineering job to buy a van and travel the country with her husband, plus launching her own business.

How to reframe trauma to use that story for good

How travel was a practice in vulnerability

How to find the courage to share your story

How to decide that you are enough without climbing the corporate ladder

“Yes, it’s going to be so hard and so scary, but it’s going to be 100% worth it.”

“I’m going to empower myself to share my story and help other women, and use that for good.”

“You are never going to feel like your have enough until you decide you are enough.”

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grace presleyComment
003: Tory Dube

Tory Dube is a retired dancer turned Holistic Nutrition Specialist, Certified Life Coach and Certified Hypnotherapist through Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. In Action, she’s a Transformational Coach coaching women to step into new levels of leadership, wealth & impact.

Tory is the host of the An Excellent Example of Being Human podcast, is a children's book author, hosts international wellness retreats, and works with clients around the world.

Her approach guides woman away from relying on pure logic and, instead, towards their inherently brilliant internal compass.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/torydubecoach/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/torydoobs/

Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/excellent-example-being-human-health-empowerment-self/id1340943341?mt=2

Freebie link for Morning Manifestation Kit: https://torydube.simplero.com/purchase/68265-Morning-Manifestation-Kit/freebie/a5e4cb276101f9f6

In this episode we talk:

Tory’s eating disorder and how she has reframed the stories to ones that empower her the most.

Dropping out of college, breaking up with her long time boyfriend, and moving back home to her parent’s house.

Her major wake up call and what she actions she took that she also preaches to her clients.

How the entrepreneurial journey is a fast track to dealing with our own bullshit.

How to trust that being human and yourself is enough to build a business.

Why you don’t need to follow the typical linear path

How being multi-passionate can be your biggest asset.

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grace presley
002: Karen Kenney

Karen Kenney is a writer, speaker, and the founder of Fearless Flow Spiritual Mentoring. She’s been a student & guide of A Course in Miracles for 25+ years and a certified yoga teacher since 2001. KK is known for her storytelling, her sense of humor and her “down-to-earth” approach to spirituality. Karen helps people let go of their old stories of suffering and victimization so they can write a new kick-ass story from that inner place of power, forgiveness and Spirit. She leads transformational retreats at the renowned Omega Institute in NY and in the New England area. Karen’s currently at work on her memoir and her Group Coaching Program - "Your Story to Your Glory"is about to kick-off!

KK Website: http://karenkenney.com

FB: https://www.facebook.com/karenkenneylive/

MF'N Peacocks FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1031627910351000/

InstaGram: https://www.instagram.com/karenkenneylive/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/karenkenneylive

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenkenneylive/

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grace presley
001: Welcome to The We Need To Talk Podcast

Join Grace and Kimberly as they walk you through the birth and creation of the We Need To Talk Podcast. 


How they met

The power of your stories

The power of your story and the connection through social media 

The difference between telling your story and letting your story tell you

What it means to identify with specific pieces of your story

Finding your voice and the power behind “I believe you”

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grace presley