006: Stephanie Dawn Elizabeth
Stephanie Dawn Elizabeth is a Certified Inner Kindness Coach + Mentor for Girls, Host of The Girl Kind Podcast, and founder of The Girls Collective. She’s on a mission to help girls break through the stories the world has told them about what it means to be a girl in the world so that we can all show up as is, share our stories, and feel a little less alone.
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/stephaniedawnelizabeth/?hl=en
Website: stephaniedawnelizabeth.com
The Girl Kind Podcast is on iTunes, Apple Podcast, and Spotify.
In this episode We Need To Talk About:
Going to a private Catholic school and the distorted image it taught her about how to be a “girl.
Moving to another country for a partner and how that was actually an abandonment of herself
What lead to her finding herself in an abusive relationship and how she finally found the courage to leave.
How she found her voice and forgave her abuser.
How to take ownership of your story.
What letting go of shame and learning compassion actually looks like.
How finding a blog on kindness changed her life.
“We forgot to teach girls that we deserve the same kindness we give to others.”