April Is
April 25, 2010. We would have been married six years today. I went to my best friend's wedding this weekend. And as the priest was discussing what marriage was and wasn't, I made eye contact with Bethany, trying to hold back tears and flooded with so many memories and emotions.
The day you look your spouse in the eyes and say “I do” is never a day that you could imagine them hitting you. Throwing you on the couch and punching you or dragging you out of bed and kicking you with your kiddo asleep on the bed next to you.
"You are amazing as you are. Stronger than you know. More beautiful than you think. Worthier than you believe. More loved than you can ever imagine. Passionate about making a difference. Fiery when protecting those you love. Learning. Growing. Not alone. Warm. Giving. Generous. Quirky. Sexy. Funny. Smart. Flawed. Whole. Scared. Brave. And so, so, so, much more. Be Strong. Be Confident. Be You." - Tia Singh
This quote resonates with me so much. It is everything I've lost and am slowly learning to become again over the past few years. I lost that vision during my marriage.
I never understood what was our normal, was so abnormal. But I finally had the courage to say #nomore and #iamenough.
April is sexual assault awareness month #saam. Are you or do you know someone struggling with this too? Violence thrives in silence and I always believed him when he said no one would ever believe me.
You are NEVER alone. #raiseyourvoice#endthesilence @nomoreorg #liftyours